Thoughts on Magic, Manipulation & Becoming a True Disciple of Jesus

I’ve been reflecting again on the fundamental power of beliefs, and how core beliefs impact our choices, relationships, and ultimately our destiny. This brought up the memory of a conversation I had with our team leader out in the village in Mali one day, a conversation that could have been mundane but went unexpectedly deepContinue reading “Thoughts on Magic, Manipulation & Becoming a True Disciple of Jesus”

Espoir, Déception et Plus Grands Projets

French version of my post on Luke 1… ESPOIR, DÉCEPTION ET PLUS GRANDS PROJETS (Lire Luc 1 : 5-80) Je ne me lasse jamais des contes bibliques de la venue de Jésus dans le monde et de tous les détails que les Écritures nous donnent sur les événements entourant ce moment charnière de l’histoire. Les personnes impliquéesContinue reading “Espoir, Déception et Plus Grands Projets”

And now for something totally different…

I’ve just done something I’ve never done before, and would never have pictured myself doing. It’s kind of about cancer, and about fitness and how it helps me stay a step ahead, and … well… I’ve just entered a fitness competition! I was worried that people might think this was a ‘show-off’ kind of thing,Continue reading “And now for something totally different…”

Scars and Sufficient Grace

Hast thou no scar?No hidden scar on foot, or side, or hand?I hear thee sung as mighty in the land;I hear them hail thy bright, ascendant star.Hast thou no scar? Hast thou no wound?Yet I was wounded by the archers; spent,Leaned Me against a tree to die; and rentBy ravening beasts that compassed Me, IContinue reading “Scars and Sufficient Grace”

Unexpected Gifts

Here we are, well into 2023 already! Once again, it’s been a while since I’ve updated this blog, and I really am going to post more Africa chronicles in the months to come… But for now, I just want to share a recent experience, along with some reflections, that I hope will be insightful andContinue reading “Unexpected Gifts”

Eternally Grateful

A note: This post is a little parentheses in the ‘village chronicles’. During that first year of ministry and of getting our team established in the village in Mali, my health began to visibly deteriorate. In September 2013 I was diagnosed with an incurable blood cancer. I was in the last stage and it seemedContinue reading “Eternally Grateful”

Can I Eat the Meat?

Wrestling with questions of culture while trying to communicate the Gospel faithfully… another story from life in the village. Koyala, Sunday April 7, 2013 We had a somewhat lengthy discussion this morning about what to do with meat that’s been sacrificed to idols. It wasn’t simply an abstract discussion – the meat in question wasContinue reading “Can I Eat the Meat?”

When I thought about quitting…

Months ago I had planned to start sharing stories, experiences, and reflections on life and mission in a village in rural Mali – a random collection from a 7-year period – but I got sidetracked with present day life and responsibilities. So I’m making an attempt to actually start, and I’m going to try toContinue reading “When I thought about quitting…”

The Gospel & Racism: How Does the New Testament Address Issues of Racial Discrimination & Inequality?

So in Christ Jesus you are all children of God through faith, for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. (Galatians 3:26-28). Here there isContinue reading “The Gospel & Racism: How Does the New Testament Address Issues of Racial Discrimination & Inequality?”

A Pligrim’s Playlist

I wrote this piece a few years back, while out in the village in Mali, but it seemed like something appropriate for this new year as Ive been meditating on Psalm 84. I decided to listen to music this morning while busy with some mundane tasks. As much as I love music – being aContinue reading “A Pligrim’s Playlist”